Simple vehicle and object tracking is now available for less than you may have thought.
If you own a fleet of vans or a group of walk about delivery agents
you can now keep track of them for the cost of a single sms..
With the Simplemap software and suitable unit, your objects are always within reach.
Multi compatible with 'Maplin TR-101, TR-102, TR-150',
'SpyTech pocket tracker', 'STEPP', 'Loomy', 'Trimtrack'
and any 'HV Type' units.
We are also able to offer a firmware upgrade to your TR-101/2 to enable more features and functions like
Geofencing, Low battery alerts, GSM Bug mode, journey Logging,, to name a few.
If you have any additional requirments please let us know.
Just a bit of blurb I typed about myself one day:
An Brief Introduction 01/01/1999
Hello there, Firstly I should say that I do not put much effort into my Web site ! I would attach a Photo but fear of scaring the minds of the innocent has prevented this.
My background is Installation, development, design and production on mostly automotive type products or applications along with a host of handheld and PC based service tools for the mobile phone industry.
All this somehow led me into the GPS arena about 1992 assisting in applications development.
I have self-taught experience and a good understanding in the following. VB: All of my own software is written in VB6. PC Assembler: A little shakey these days but that stuff inspired me to take up programming so it is buried in there if I need to understand things. Pic Micro coding: Virtually 100% in Assembler, not very portable but easy for me to understand. Almost anything I make these days will have a Pic hanging off it.
My position within the workforce normally has no direct definition. The term "Special Projects Manager" gets passed around a bit. I am sometimes considered to be a menace that will investigate and discover anything given the reason. This is mainly to examine, understand and ask WHY? Normally backed up closely with a couple of " What if 's ", along with a stream of "if onlys".
Give me 10 mins with anything and I will generally fill a page or two. Some of you, that know me, may have got this feeling already !!.
I have fair understanding and a relative appreciation of the processes involved in the design, production and eventual rework of most things. Believe me I do not know it all, I can't even spell correctly most of the time. but I am good and picking up things that are new and un-discovered. My desire is always to make something better, easier and with relative functionality (Relative to the customer that is.)
I assure you that I am not trying to change they way that things are.
I am sure that things are the way they are for the best of reasons. I just like to let the mind flow a little and try to make the fullest use of all available technologies.
Ideas normal emerge raw with little pre thought and mainly based on what I would like a product to do along with actual usage and perhaps even occasional requests by the customer for features they require. Recently described as 'Fuckin genius' but I think this may have been exaggerated.!